Wellness Wednesday Skyrise

Business Area

Communication, Culture, Education, Employment, External campaign, Hiring, Wellness, Work life

Key focus

Age, Class, Gender, Neurodiversity, Race & ethnicity, Religion, Sexuality, Socio-economic status


Quick & easy, Medium term, Longer term


今年2月,我们庆祝健康和福祉倡议“健康星期三”成立五周年. 最初是由我们的文化主管Sam Sharwin介绍的,这是一个周中接我的活动,我们都可以离开办公桌休息一下, 重置和互动我们的团队成员,我们通常不会与日常工作.

5 years on and Wellness Wednesday has continued to grow, 许多活动都包含在健康星期三的保护伞下, such as ‘Book Clubbers’, ‘School Trips’, ‘Coffee and Conversations', ‘Mindful Pottery', “荒岛最爱”更不用说各种测验和游戏了. We know that one size does not fit all, 我们已经做到了,所以每个人都有一些东西,并且总是可以选择加入.

在Skyrise,我们认为健康是一个整体,精神和身体是平等的部分. 这项倡议确实鼓励我们开始围绕工作场所的心理健康展开有时很困难的对话,并帮助我们开放自己的心理健康. 想想这一切是如何从每周一封包含有趣的健康提示和一些办公室水果水的电子邮件开始的,真是令人惊讶.

What did we set out to achieve

We wanted to create a moment each week that sparked a connection. 平时不在一起工作的人聚在一起聊天, discuss, 参与并思考与工作无关的不同事情. 我们一直是一个充满乐趣和友好的工作场所,拥有良好的文化,所以我们希望在此基础上采取一项举措,让我们的团队考虑他们的健康和福祉. If being honest, Wellness Wednesday wasn’t started as a planned initiative, it was just an idea that worked. The tone throughout the last 5 years has stayed the same, it’s organic, honest, homegrown and interesting.

Group of people sitting

Practical steps we took

该倡议开始时没有预算,现在已经发展到一个非常小的预算. The activities offered don’t really cost a great deal. 为“读书俱乐部”和“咖啡与对话”等活动提供了一些咖啡和健康小吃。, materials such as clay are provided for ‘Mindful Pottery’. 我们试图衡量活动的数量,以确保没有浪费或过度购买. All activities are led by us.

“学校旅行”和“咖啡与对话”是我们最喜欢的两项活动. Very similar to the usual guise of a school trip, Skyrise的“学校之旅”是一个计划好的郊游,我们将参观距离曼彻斯特市中心办公室几步之遥的名胜古迹, such as art galleries and museums. These are a fantastic opportunity for us to get our step count up, stretch our legs, maybe learn something new and have some fun too.

'Coffee & “Conversations”是指围绕某一特定话题进行的非正式、公开和诚实的聊天. 它们通常发生在当地的独立咖啡店,主题可能是关于某一天或某个月,或者是我们之前从未谈论过的话题.

如果你不愿意,你可以不说话或不参与谈话, you can take part by listening.

Has this had a positive impact?

Wellness Wednesday has been a positive addition to our business. It’s helped foster collaboration across teams, 把我们聚集在一起,创造了一个安全的空间,让我们的团队有归属感. 我们还关注健康问题,我们的团队知道他们可以每周(周三)收到一封关于心理和身体健康的实用建议的电子邮件. 我们举办了关于诸如围绝经期和更年期等健康问题的认识会议, blood pressure, stress and anxiety, men's mental health and suicide prevention. “健康星期三”激励和鼓励我们的团队更自信地讨论工作中的话题. No subject is ever off the table or taboo. 我们承诺支持各种慈善机构,比如乔的宫颈癌信托基金会#时间测试#活动,鼓励我们的团队在工作时间内进行涂片检查,因为我们都知道很难找到预约.

What did you learn that could help others?

We’ve learned to have a great initiative, you don’t need a big budget, it’s got to be honest and from the heart. Wellness Wednesday is very team focused and relaxed, this is why our people feel so comfortable with it, it feels sincere, there's no hidden agenda. 在疫情前,我们的“健康星期三”活动非常人性化. 导航在家工作和混合工作确实帮助塑造了我们在线互动的方式. 我们总是希望所有的团队成员都能像他们想要的那样参与进来,没有压力. Inclusion and communication is key. Slides are always shared and can be accessed at any time. 我们也鼓励我们的团队与朋友分享健康信息, family and other businesses. 


We're very proud of Wellness Wednesday. We can wholeheartedly say all of the team at Skyrise loves it. 这有助于留住我们的员工,并吸引新的人才. 我们还获得了两项英国公司文化奖(内部)最佳健康和福利倡议. Last year we completed a merger of two companies, 毫不夸张地说,“健康星期三”帮助我们将自己的价值观融入了Skyrise的新业务中. At the end of the day, 我们所做的一切都是为了建立一个积极进取的团队,让他们喜欢工作,并感受到真正的归属感.

Wellness Wednesday is its own barometer, 如果人们不再参加活动或不再参与,我们就会改变并不断发展它以适应我们团队的需求. 我们还定期发送匿名调查,以获得团队对活动的想法和输入. “健康星期三”现在已经成为我们文化的代名词,它包含了我们所有“真实”的核心价值观。, ‘Connected’ and ‘Creators’. We’re looking forward to seeing what the next 5 years brings.

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